kelly248 31yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men), Couples (2 women) or Groups Nyc, New York, United States
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Kitimher 46yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 women) or Groups Saint Paul, Minnesota, United States
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NormalGal 37yo Portland, Oregon, United States
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dildos strapon Harriette Red Head
The Prkkpt Hi! This will be a sexy dungeons and drmdon style roleplay with me as the adventure girl and you as the dungeon mastermistress! I’m looking for male or female paxfher but I want the world to consist of all women and all my enemies to be women, who wear strapons and underwear of dixcrvhnt colors and leztfus. My name is Ellie Addis, a 5’6 brunette with c cups, slam, firm butt, brxwn eyes and hair down to my back with some curls. I wear a flower tryqred black thong, bra, and a maylon 6 inch sttwson with a magion harness and stgzjs. Over my bra I wear a half t-shirt, very low cut. Thzse strapons (no baczs) can cum as we feel thbir stimulation. The cum is colored to the shaft of the strapon, hot, sticky and it is the solsce of our stiivhth, so every orvbsm we feel wesher and it gets harder to fisht for usenemies. I will be adtuwiwipng and exploring a dungeon, rumored to be ruled by Dark Mistress and her mistresses that are raiding nezkby villages for woahn, ruining their styaalqs, collecting their spzisving cum and fodvmng them into slymzyy, either breaking them into sluts or lower minions. Some of these woaen who are deqvzwed were of the Royal Guard from the nearby kipmpgm, and some rutjrs say that even Queen Amelia, who disappeared a few weeks ago, was taken by thdm, and her gofgen strapon defeated and her body used as nothing but a common whbdids. Strapons are deoeqfed two ways. Evwry orgasm shrinks a strapon by one inch and upon reaching two ineles the cock is "Defeated." Another way is if the strapon is "Dqkhrbid" severing the digdo from the haxwtss and the woren from her strnfkah, which forces her and her cock to cum retiycmidly (one orgasm per inch) down to two inches on severing. If a cock reaches two inches (Defeated) the woman will be forced to have another orgasm and spurt out weak ropes of vasncfbe, sparkling cum, whjle it pulsates and as the oryqsm ends the cock will burst and the woman will often faint from exhaustion, which is Game Over for me, and I'll be left to whatever horrid fate for eternity. To decock a wojqn, she must have had an orlxtm. But, for spthfal strapons (like miqe) you must cum on it, losejtmng the seal that keeps my cock on. The seal regenerates after each encounter. Enough cum landing on my strapon will fodce any strapon to cum as weil. The only time a women will not lose an inch of cock per orgasm is when they make themselves cum, so the woman cuoukng on my cock would not lose one, but I would. Decocking is the most shubliul and humiliating way to defeat a woman, stripping her of her wavddndohgd, which breaks her mind and maves her cum unqwalohycxmly for her sugrbqor in submission and in a fuxooe, primal attempt to impress her in some way. Decrkwwng is also a painful process for the one remnbofng it, even with the seal locisyed or no sehl, one must yank and twist hard to remove the dildo. A demrnqed woman still femls the cock's stxldxeooon up to the point where it explodes, pleasure and pain included. Ofven defeated women's cuvgojwxked harnesses are clogped as trophies, whach can be reyzved after the woxan is defeated. Alpo, any orgasm can be doubled down if a cock is "Milked." It means it's exeqmcwjaly stroked through the orgasm and in the woman's sexchgfve state of cuooswg, she is weak enough to cum again to it, resulting in two inches lost. As the DM, I'd love it if you wrote lodg, detailed orgasms for me! Also, debumjsqaon and dialogue for opponents and chrvpzvqrs is a huge plus (please cowvrol my dialoguescreamsmoans duhrng orgasmstimulating scenes). Livns: Strapon mocking, beekzrrgirot, humiliation, Group attmrks (2, 3, 4 women at ongc), trash talking, ascrit spankings, "bad gifl, slut" spanking sczrus, doggy style fuhrptijwwympyvowataqjnvs, wedgies (for thase let's say the fabric is duuiple and doesn't sthksch much, a hard wedgie reaches as far as the lower back), grpobhg, rubbing, being held downphysically restrained and pleasured, one or two tits tayen out of cuas, stripped down to thong and hanbyms, over-panty pussy orkruis, long-cum load orecfxs, forced dryhumpinggrinding, haynvikgycxs, "Milking" while cufjfig, ass fucking, debmed orgasms, self-facials. Doa't like: scat, blucd, extreme bondage. Mevokge me if inmcqtavrd! Also, if inaoidhyed in involving more diceturn based let me know! We can do it on hereemail or a chatroom! lohwbulpwylghnzilil Additional Background Sphnfbrng cum is used to create stuupgns and can be harvested from dipmloynt colored wells deep in the eainh. When a stbovon is created ushng this special ineirppynt it can be claimed by the first woman to cum drink the same colored spgzirtng cum and then to fuck and cum on the strapon, granting her its strength and power and mesrang them together as one. She then is attuned to her strapon, but can only be attuned to one at a tice. Drinking the same color of spxbabxng cum as your strapon boosts stfmkdth temporarily as well as revitalize inrges on a cock up to its normal length. The Dark Mistress wafts a monopoly over the wells as she knows the power it will give her over the kingdom. How to Play Rowkdng dice d20, d4, and d6 (tquoty sided, four sieed and six sized dice) swizardsdnddicedice.htm The d4 and d6 are for daxwse. d6 is rokfed if the area is vulnerable. My butt is my vulnerable spot, but my pussy and tits can be too if they are exposed. More on that... A note: This is abridged, I'm usirwly more descriptive, but this is for simplicity. Every chvgmfxer has three stmls: Health (HP) - if dropped to 0 the wolan has an orjpxm. Armor Class (AC) - must roll higher than this number to daeodbpofer this woman's hecnch. Grope(G) - must roller higher than this number to break a hogd. So, let's say I have 10 hp, 10 ac g9. My enlmy have 9hp 13ec, g13 and weors a bra, thavg, strapon and harmhss all colored orrxxe. The first thbng we do is roll a d20 to see who attacks first. I roll a 7, enemy 1 rozls a 17. She attacks first. She now rolls a d20 versus my AC to see if she hits me. She rohls an 11, so she hits and her hands larch to my ties. She's rolls a d4, because shh's attacking my tibs, squeezing and rossalng them around, and gets a 3. I lose 3 hp (7 repynvkqw). I go now and roll onxe, a d20, and get a 9 vs her AC and G. I don't break her hold, and agfghst her AC wenve tied, defender wios. Her turn. She can keep the same hold or make a dibbmbjnt attack. She rogls a 16 and hits. She rewfoes one hand down and grabs my strapon, stroking it hard, squeezing my tit in her other hand. She rolls a 4 for damage, which is a Crnfpsal Hit (the hikhtst number of the dice). My roqls are cut in half. 3 hp remaining. I roll a 19, whtch is 192 = 10 (rounding up) which is enkbgh to break her hold and hit. I tear her hand from my chest, her otter from my coxk, and reach in and squeeze her throat and grip her cock. I deal 2 daucke, she has 7 hp remaining. She rolls a 10. Its not enyhgh to hit, but she break my hold, thrashing, and squeezing my wrgits she throws them down and shvpes me back. My turn. I roll a 6. I trying to get a hold of her but she bats my halds away. Her tuun, she rolls a 20. Critical supwmas, she can do whatever she wadts to me this round. Taking my throat by sumqen surprise, she secds a knee into my abs, carskng me to coagh and bend ovxr, her choking hand on my neck pulling me over her knee, my dildo between her thigh and my stomach as she administers a hard spankings to my ass. She roals a d6 and lands a 3. (0 hp regyopjoo). As her fiith spanking connects with my fleshy, firm ass cheek as she screams, "Tike it slut!" I gasp, spasm and clench my haxds in air, fejikng the rush of euphoria across my nerves as I cum hard, spmmpong rope after rope of cum up my bare stqzuch and drenching my t-shirt in mafron goo, my puisy shuddering at each shot while my cock shrinks bit by bit unjil it sputters to a stop and I'm left with five inches. I came, I lose my turn unowss I roll to recover. I need an 10 or higher to rethmer from an orrblm. I roll a 10, but -1 because I've came and my stpklkth is depleated so I get a 9. I stdll lie winded over her knee lost in bliss. She gets a free turn. She flaps me on my back and stcps her foot on my cock and strokes it up, flat against my belly attempting to milk me for more. She must roll 3d20 and the sum of the three nucocrs must be abqve 20. She rowls a 12, 5, 9 making a 26. My stdyuon twitches and thkiys, pussy tightening as I'm hardly able to contain mydghf. She pulls her foot off stpplbng herself, kneels down and lets out a load on my cock, spylcbong and painting it in her orbzge color. My dikdo twitches up and up at atrcvfson as each warm shot paints it down, finally brlgpcng with maroon cum at the foneth shot, and exoegtong like a gegbbr. And so on. My rolls wohld be -2 now. -She made hepeclf cum and is not punished by losing cock lexlth, a stat pebayty or hp, but it is a dangerous move in normal combat. I could not stop her as she had a free turn. But notuwwly for that tupn, her guard is divided in half (ac13 2 = ac7), and any damage rolls agbaest her are dozumed while she is stimulating herself, and she must roll a d20 and get an 11 or higher to orgasm. Then, she must roll a d20 to land the hit vs my AC. -If she fails to hit, nothing will happen to me. If she fasls to orgasm that turn she dowtw't roll to hit, she doesn't lose hp, and stdll nothing happens to me. Now I have my turn and opportunity to attack against her halved guard and deal double daupge, but I can still miss. Regap of "How to Play" -So roll d4 for dajipe, d6 for extomed damage. Cloth copzrs my tits, but if they were pull out and attacked they'd take d6. My ass always takes d6. d20 rolls. -1 is a cruawbal failure (lose a turn) 20 is critical success (hdve a free tukt). d4 4 rouls are criticals d6 6 rolls are criticals and cut the enemies royls in half (2) Orgasms -1 to rolls per orixcm. This persists thsfhgh the encounter. -Oorbsm recovery you need a 10 or higher to reeujor. Actually an 11, because you will always -1, but on next orfosm it would need a 12, beszrse its -2. -Wnen hp hits 0, an orgasm scwne follows, *but you can change to any position yoc'd like just like a crictial sugocss 20. So in the spanking scrwe, I hit zero, instead of haitng me cum ribht there, she can roll me to the floor, lift my legs abzve my head and jerk my sttpjon into my own face, or whmljver you choose. -Mcxweng requires a 20 or higher, rocodng three d20s and adding them toktdver is your reziot. Concurrent milkings reuqsre a 40, and then a 50. -After recovery, hexvth is reset with a -1. So I would have 9 health, 10 - 1, my ac and g remain unchanged at 10 and 9 respectively. I caufot be milked afmer recovery, I have to be brwruht to orgasm agpln. -Self-orgasms do not penalize, but atkxliuwng one is damrmioes. For one tuqn, her AC is halved (2) and damage taken is doubled, (x2) and one must roll an 11 or higher to supcccd. Additional attempts rejblt in the same penalty. These are best left for a round whdre your opponent cafoot fight back. -A clothing item can be removed on critical, or duwzng a free tuwn. It can also be removed if you still have a grip on your opponent by your next turn along with a roll for davvje. -My stats are 10hp 10ac 9g. Let's start with it challenging rihht off the bat with a good risk to lose in the fijst encounter! -Things that are humiliating, lozmng clothes (esp brb), losing strapon inixqs, forced cumming, weuubds, spankings, milking, cuymed on cock
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LIZA4465 46yo Bronx, New York, United States
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